
Datura Note, Meaning & Perfumes

Discover the Datura note, accord, oil, scent, meaning & all perfumes related to Datura.

Datura Note & Meaning & Perfumes - WILDBOY

Introduction to Datura Note

Datura note is a unique and complex scent that has been used in perfumes for centuries. It is a combination of several different scents, including jasmine, tuberose, and ylang-ylang. The scent is often described as being sweet, floral, and slightly musky. It is a popular choice for perfumes, as it is both subtle and long-lasting. The history of Datura note dates back to ancient times. It is believed to have originated in India, where it was used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine. The scent was also used in ancient Egypt, where it was used to make perfumes and incense. 

Origins of Datura Note

The origins of Datura note can be traced back to ancient India. In Ayurvedic medicine, Datura was used to treat a variety of ailments, including fever, headaches, and insomnia. It was also used to induce sleep and relaxation. In ancient Egypt, Datura was used to make perfumes and incense. The scent was believed to have magical properties, and was used in religious ceremonies and rituals. It was also used to ward off evil spirits and to bring good luck. 

Evolution of Datura Note

Over the centuries, Datura note has evolved and changed. In the 19th century, it was used in perfumes to create a sweet, floral scent. In the 20th century, it was used in a variety of different perfumes, including chypre, oriental, and floral fragrances. Today, Datura note is still used in perfumes, but it has also become popular in other products, such as candles, soaps, and lotions. It is also used in aromatherapy, as it is believed to have calming and soothing properties. 

Datura Note in the Perfume Industry

Datura note is a popular choice for perfumes, as it is both subtle and long-lasting. It is often used as a base note, as it adds depth and complexity to a scent. It is also used to create a sweet, floral scent, which is often used in feminine fragrances. In addition, Datura note is often used in combination with other scents, such as jasmine, tuberose, and ylang-ylang. This creates a unique and complex scent that is both sweet and musky. 


Datura note is a unique and complex scent that has been used in perfumes for centuries. It is believed to have originated in India, where it was used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine. Over the centuries, it has evolved and changed, and is now used in a variety of different products, including perfumes, candles, soaps, and lotions. It is a popular choice for perfumes, as it is both subtle and long-lasting, and is often used as a base note to add depth and complexity to a scent.

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